This is the opening track of the album Perspectives. (Listen here)
It’s funny because when I composed it, I was ready to throw it away, thinking “it’s too obvious, too simple”… And when I previewed the album for some friends, everybody asked me why the other songs are not as cool as this one. Anyway.
What is it all about? I would say that these 2 sentences in the lyrics sum it up: “Watching the constellation we would unconsciously choose. Sometimes a dream makes your feet holding on the ground”.
I’m pretty sure.
This is the first song we recorded in the studio with Sacha. First day, a morning in summer, July. I recorded my guitar/pilot vocal tracks and them we added stuff. Sacha recorded the kick and snare, I played tambourine. Then I don’t remember in which order we did it, but Sacha laid some electric/acoustic/dobro guitars (I did some acoustic as well), bass and I played my “laptop garage band” hammond organ and some Rhodes. Then the vocals.